Urgent Help
Need help urgently?
Call 999 or go to A&E now if:
Someone's life is at risk – for example, they have seriously injured themselves or taken an overdose
- You do not feel you can keep yourself or someone else safe.
A mental health emergency should be taken as seriously as a physical one. You will not be wasting anyone's time.
If you are distressed and need to talk to someone right now here are some options below:
call Samaritans on 116 123 (UK-wide)
text SHOUT to 85258 (UK-wide)
call C.A.L.L. on 0800 132 737 (Wales only)
These services are for anyone who's struggling. They won't judge you. They're free, they're anonymous, and there are open 24/7
I have phoned Samaritans a few times and they were really kind. Whatever you are going through there is always someone you can speak to. You are never wasting anyone’s time!
If you feel at rock bottom then the only way is up! There is hope and healing, love and laughter over the horizon, just have the faith in yourself and choose to stay!
You are worth it
- even if you don’t feel like it right now. The world is a richer and better place when you are in it! Hang on,
hang in there and if it all feels too much just see if you can stick life out for a few more hours, one more day, one more week and don’t ever be afraid to reach out for help.
I am writing this for you, yes you! I am cheering you on, I care very much about your well-being. I wish you all the best on your journey through life.
TIPP Skills
These help change your body chemistry to reduce difficult emotions quickly.
Prefer to watch a video explaining TIPP In more detail?
Here’s a link, I think it’s designed for kids, but I quite like that, as it’s really simple to understand.
Holding your breath, Put your face in a bowl of cold water, or hold a cold pack or Ziploc bag of cold water on your eyes and cheeks hold for 30 seconds keep water above 50°F/10°C. This causes the dive response to occur which lowers your heart rate, it may take 15 to 30 seconds to start. Here’s a video demo/explanation:
Caution very cold water decreases your heart rate rapidly if you have a heart condition or a lowered base heart rate due to medication or beta-blockers consult your GP before trying!
Intense exercise
Intense exercise can help to calm down your body when experiencing strong distressing emotions. Expend your body’s stored up physical energy by Running, walking fast, jumping, Lifting weights. I have just got some 1KG hand weights that I use, I also have pedal cycle that I just do a minute of. You could just do something simple like star jumps or running on the spot. When I had low energy and in bed a lot I would just do a pillow punch.
Paced breathing
Pace your breathing by slowing it down. Try making your out-breath longer than your in-breath. See my Breathing techniques page.
Paired muscle relaxation
Tense parts of your body on both sides at the same time. I normally start in my toes and then working up each body part at a time. I do find this really useful to help me to get off to sleep at night. I also use simple podcast one that I’m linking here if you want try it out.