My Story….
“I fell ill suddenly in May 2010 with a virus and just didn’t get better. I was eventually diagnosed with ME/chronic fatigue syndrome.”
“I have been ill for 11 years; much of that time housebound, and recently bed bound for 2 years. I have suffered a lot with Mental Health problems; anxiety and depression and for me, these were the most difficult symptoms to deal with.”
“I was admitted to a specialist rehabilitation ward in Leeds General Infirmary, where I received treatment to become more mobile and rebuild my life again..”
“I’m certainly far from being fixed, but I am now living a life that is fulfilling and worth living. I guess I feel like life has given me lemons and I’m trying my best to make lemonade and I’d like to help others do the same.”
“This is a more self-help/signposting website, so if you need urgent help, please see the links below for Emergency help and other organisations that offer 1 to 1 support.”